AI + Modz, I present the series "AfSkrïn SavannêØh. a very advanced tribe of ethical African warriors from anotherly planet far away. The people of this mersmerizing world are equipped with powers of Beasts and the abilities to transform into one at will, but it is just much more than that. Their world is a sight to behold and as ancient as the Universe itself. The AfSkrïn's being one of the earliest of intellectual hybrid races to walk the Universe. I'm embracing life at home and the journey of the Ancients, it starts here in Kenya, Africa and with none other than the Maasai tribe. I will slowly dwell through the deep lands and vast cultures of the Ancients of Africa. Unravelling more on this epic journey as I go along through the rift valleys up to the Pyramids, then into the Heart of Africa, down to the South and off to the West. With a new and very unique art style am exploring ATM. It is difficult to actually share the pictures in good resolution on Facebook so i came up with this hack, enjoy to your eyes unpeels 🤭. This pictures process was Composite + AI + Heavy ass Modz by Deadwood_Druid. Available as a Wall print 🫠 on order. T-shirt version coming soon 🙏 stay tuneds as more coming in this series ...open for full view. #tribalart #afrofuturistic #afroart #afroartist #deadwooddruid instagram.com/deadwood_druid instagram.com/druidlab Deadwood Druid - Audio / Visual Engineer and Producer (Page) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087662080534&mibextid=ZbWKwL DruidLab - By Deadwood Druid - Audio / Visual Studio and Artist Hub https://www.facebook.com/DruidLab.KE?mibextid=ZbWKwL So, if you see AI + Modz, Modz usually consists of AI or Composite or traditional art piece + painting + layering + filtering + blending (maybe multiple images or composites) + adding vectors + editing + visual transformation and synthesis + a complete mix down of all the elements + Master & I wrap up with a 10X upscale ... these processes may vary in order from image to image.
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Other AI albums from deadwood_druid

NEO00101 Worlds (Official Debut launch)Gaia~Tree (Lords of Fantasy)Converting Vegetarians (The Dorky Collection)Eye 👀 Peeling ImageryThe Particle Zoo